How about cities or countries?

Traveling is just wonderful!!! And sightseeing gives us the chance to know beautiful places from all over the world. What are nice places to visit? What can we do there?


Unknown said...

i want to visit Paris, Italy and Brazil, for me this countries are beautiful and funnies, i want do there know their cultures, eat his delicious food, go to dance, go to the shopping, i can go to the fashions shows, and the most important enjoy the company of the people, their climate and the wonderful lansdcapes.

Unknown said...


I want to visit Paris, Italy and Brazil, for me this countries are beautiful and funnies, i want do there know their cultures, eat his delicious food, go to dance, go to the shopping, i can go to the fashions shows, and the most important enjoy the company of the people, their climate and the wonderful lansdcapes.

Hilda Maria Arango Mejia said...

I dream visit differents countries in Europe,by the museum, in Spain, France and Italy. I like the arts and I dream to see the pictures of famous artist like Leonardo and others.
I think thath the architecture there is beautiful and the landscape too. I hope be there some day.

Anonymous said...

I like visit different places in the world.. I like it PARIS is the more beautiful place in the world, because is full of lights, elegant restaurants (expensive),museums, churchs and have a history wonderful.
But the most BEAUTIFUL of the city is the Eiffel is GREAT. I hope someday visit.

Monica said...

I would like to know Mexico City and Cancun.
What would you do there? I'd love to know in Mexico their architectural art and the historical center about their culture, museums and gastronomy,I love and then go to Cancun to enjoy its beautiful pristine beaches and enjoy its beautiful hotels.

Unknown said...

I want to say the places that I know.

Santa Martha, Parque Tayrona is national Park with beatifull beaches. You can camping, walk for natural way and you can visit tribe Tayrona. Also, you can diving and visit nudist beach.

Sapzurro is a paradise. You can eat fresh fish, buy crafts, you can visit Panama, go to the beach La Miel. Also you can diving, walk the mountain. You can go to the Capurgana, go to de Party.

I want know every corner of Colombia

Anonymous said...

I like to visit Orlando because is a place known for its hoteles lining the art deco district , the city attractions so amazing to visitors for example the Disney's park is famous for modern style and wonderful tecnology.

Unknown said...

Peru a beautiful country, of great cultural wealth, with great biodiversity and with nice and proud people of his origin
You can amuse, relax, new persons know, to go to magic places, to know the saw, the jungle and the coast of the peru, to visit to machupicchu and his historical wealth

Tourism said...

I like invite you to PERU: The country of the Incas: You can see good natural places with the geography of the ANDES, beachs, ancient history, archeology, natural esceneries. You can test the delicious food of the SONS OF THE SUN and to know the typical music, dances and clothes of the perubians of nowdays.

Tourism said...

I have always loved Mexican culture is very rich in traditions, dances and the food is delicious, so I recommend visiting mexico, ancient sites can be found there, part of modern and beautiful beaches


Tourism said...

Hi Hilda, remember you say "I hope TO be there..." " Idream TO visit" and be careful with plurals: Museums, Landscapes. And ART is sigular!!!

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